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South Lake Tahoe

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太浩湖的统计数据高居榜首:它是北美最大的高山湖泊,也是第三深的湖泊, bottoming out at 1,645 feet. 这个古老的断陷盆地的水呈蓝色和99色.994 percent pure. You'll need most of a day just to drive around 这里有72英里的海岸线,所以打算多待一会儿. With South Lake Tahoe 作为基地,你将享受轻松的户外冒险和高档的城市舒适. Join the throngs of ski bums, mountain bikers, hikers, 划船的人在湖边和斜坡上娱乐, 然后在南湖诱人的小酒馆和啤酒厂放松一下.   


Hikes in South Lake Tahoe

The sparkling waters of Emerald Bay被崎岖的范尼特岛隔开,位于小镇以北几英里处. 从灵感点拍自拍照,然后徒步旅行 Rubicon Trail along Emerald Bay State Park's conifer-clad shoreline. Or walk an easy mile downhill to Vikingsholm它是一座由石头和木材组成的城堡,坐落在翡翠湾的顶端. 注意:在计划参观维京霍尔姆之前, 在翡翠湾州立公园的网站上查看它的状态. As of January 2024, it is closed). 从白色的沙滩上把脚趾浸入湖中, 或者参观由芝加哥一位寡妇于1929年建造的拥有38个房间的维京风格豪宅(仅限夏季)。.

要进行更具挑战性的旅程,可以从湖边向西徒步进入64,000英亩的土地 Desolation Wilderness, 高耸的冷杉形成了令人惊叹的冰川雕刻景观, granite-bound lakes, and flower-filled meadows. Trek to Granite Lake, the Velma Lakes, or Dicks Lake for chilly swimming, or huff to the 9,735-foot summit of Mount Tallac 来欣赏塔霍湖盆地令人瞠目结舌的美景.   

Skiing and Snowshoeing in South Lake Tahoe

在冬季的几个月里,在 Heavenly Ski Resort, 一座巨大的山,拥有太浩湖最适合滑雪的面积,800 acres), highest summit elevation (10,067 feet), and longest vertical drop (3,500 feet). 当你的股四头肌求饶时,把你的滑雪板换成雪鞋 Camp Richardson Resort (rentals are available). 其他受欢迎的雪鞋路线包括翡翠湾到 Cascade Falls or Eagle Lake. 南太浩湖附近的其他著名度假胜地包括 Sierra-at-Tahoe, and Kirkwood Mountain Resort. Sierra-at-Tahoe, known for its family-friendly atmosphere, 提供从初学者到高级的一系列跑步. 它特别以其优秀的树木滑雪区而闻名. Kirkwood, further south, 这里是那些寻求更具挑战性地形的人的天堂吗, known for its deep powder and advanced runs. 

Craft Beer in South Lake Tahoe

南湖蓬勃发展的精酿啤酒会吸引你从户外探险中回来. Try a few of 16 beers on tap at South Lake Brewing Company's lofty warehouse. Join the biergarten fun at The Hangar在这里,有野餐桌、串灯和食品车. 打乒乓球和棋盘游戏 South of North Brewing. 当你在露台的火坑边闲逛的时候,自己倒啤酒 Lake Tahoe AleWorx,或品尝自制啤酒奶酪和手工酿造的啤酒 Sidellis.

Restaurants in South Lake Tahoe

南太浩湖的厨师们制作了各种各样的菜单,远远超出了滑雪小镇的奶酪. For fine dining, Edgewood Restaurant以其精致的美国美食和塔霍湖的全景而闻名. 在天堂的贡多拉附近,在火坑旁找张桌子,吃一顿泰国咖喱玉米饼 Azul Latin Kitchen; another casual spot is Base Camp Pizza Co.它提供了一系列的特色披萨在一个轻松,家庭友好的环境. Head to Taste at The Loft for American tapas and an entertaining magic show. Off Ski Run Boulevard, intimate Cafe Fiore serves pitch-perfect Italian classics, Artemis 提供地中海卷拼盘和热情的羊肉陀螺,和 Shangrila Himalayan 提供尼泊尔鸡肉馍馍和羊肉印度香饭. Prefer take-out? No-frills Empanash bakes flavorful Argentine empanadas, and Yugen 我能送你回家吃寿司和生鱼片吗.  

Where to Stay in South Lake Tahoe

这个城镇提供各种各样的住宿, from luxury resorts to cozy cabins, to suit different preferences and budgets. For those seeking upscale digs, The Landing Tahoe Reosort & Spa以其湖滨位置和现场美食而闻名 Jimmy’s Restaurant. 预算有限的旅行者可以在像纽约这样的地方找到价值 Basecamp South Lake Tahoe or the Americana Lake Tahoe. These locations offer comfortable rooms, 通常还有额外的福利,比如免费早餐和户外娱乐设施. In between, 有很多可靠的独立酒店和连锁酒店,去餐馆很方便, the lake, and resorts, such as Hotel BecketMarriott's Timber LodgeBlack Bear Lodge, and Margaritaville Resort Lake Tahoe. For a more intimate and local experience, 南湖太浩拥有迷人的住宿和早餐,像 Fireside Lodge or the Heavenly Valley Lodge.

看看湖的另一边,探索周围 North Lake Tahoe.  

Know before you go: As part of an effort to reduce litter, 南太浩湖和北太浩湖已经禁止在城市经营和允许的活动中出售一次性水瓶. 所以一定要带一个可重复使用的水瓶,这样你就可以免费用当地高质量的自来水装满它 water filling stations at local businesses and recreation areas.

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