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Three locals explain why this North Coast region is low-key amazing

北海岸 奇诺县 has a wealth of natural resources that will appeal to foodies and outdoor lovers alike, 搭配好酒, 新鲜海鲜和农产品, a ruggedly gorgeous coastline flanked by redwoods. One thing you won’t find, according to local Holly Madrigal, is any sign of pretension. 的编辑说:“bbin游戏官网喜欢简单的东西。 口碑杂志. “Not too fancy, not too highbrow, but just really good quality.”

在最新一期的 California Now播客, Madrigal and two other locals join host Soterios Johnson to talk about 奇诺县’s low-key delights—from acclaimed farm-to-table-restaurants to a world-class wine store that some people have confused for a rest stop.


Madrigal begins by talking about some of the restaurants that get attention from her  奇诺-based magazine. “bbin游戏官网的人口相当少 奇诺,她说。, “and people ask, ‘Aren’t you going to run out of things to talk about in the magazine?’bbin游戏官网说,‘绝对不行.’”

She offers tips on experiencing the county’s farm-to-table cuisine as well as coastal spots that blend delicious seafood with epic views. 这包括 港湾旅馆,它赢得了一个 可持续发展的米其林绿星在美国,素食主义者的价格是 雾食者咖啡馆还有美味的炸鱼薯条 海鸟湾. Madrigal also recommends the unique dining experience at 小河客栈. “这是经典的加州美食,”她说. “You can get cioppino with local crab and a really good burger. And because whales are cruising by the 奇诺 coast almost every time of year, 酒吧里有双筒望远镜, so that you can have a wonderful meal and watch the whales.”

For more local gems, 她说, head to the inland town of 必须的故乡 位置,看得我目瞪口呆布拉沃, 诺斯珀酿酒公司., 畑宏农场厨房. 后者, 她说, 是“鬼厨房”吗,” a culinary trend of restaurants that have a certified kitchen but no seating. “畑宏的寿司质量一流,她说。, including a mouthwatering spicy tuna popper roll made completely tempura-style. “You order online and they bring it to you, or you go knock on a door and they hand it to you. 你会觉得自己是万事通.”

California Now播客,第88集,门多西诺


Another spot where you can feel like an insider is 迪斯科牧场一家不起眼的葡萄酒店 Boonville that offers unique varietals, tastings, a tapas-style food pairings. Owner Wendy Lamer joins the podcast to talk about the shop along Highway 128, set along the “Wine to Waves” drive that traverses the 安德森谷 葡萄酒产区. “bbin游戏官网马上就要说到点子上了, 当你开车去海边的时候, 你得停下来去趟洗手间,她说。, adding that she often gets customers who pop in for a pit stop but then stay to browse the eye-popping selection of wines, 鱼子酱, 还有美食小吃.

她告诉约翰逊她是如何命名这个地方的, 还有她的注意力不在舞曲上, 而是那种小的, local wineries that don’t have their own tasting rooms. “我真的很喜欢那些小生产者,”她说. 山谷里的人说, ‘Go see Wendy if you're looking for something that nobody else has anywhere.’"

A stop at 迪斯科牧场 can mean enjoying a tasting from the 18 wines that Lamer is pouring that particular day. She enjoys chatting with wine fans who don’t consider themselves experts. “People kind of joke that I can guess what people like if they give me three words to go on. Or, I just keep asking things like, ‘Do you like skim, 2 percent, or whole milk?’ And if they say ‘whole milk’ I will just pour something. And they're like, ‘Oh my God, this is the best wine I've ever had!’”

She offers some logistical tips on setting up an 安德森谷 wine-tasting trip—like how many tastings per day is smart, which weekdays local places tend to close—and other great places to stop along Highway 128, 像附近的 亨迪伍兹州立公园. “有两条不同的徒步路线, the redwood trees are from 300 to 600 years old,她说。. “无论你走到哪里都很美.”


让自己沉浸在门多西诺的自然美景中, the third and final podcast guest has another wonderful but not-too-fancy suggestion: Spend the night at 奇诺格罗夫. General Manager Jacob Halverson describes it as “an outdoor hotel, but we definitely walk the line between what it feels like to be camping, 还有在迷你度假村的感觉.” Its 30 acres include safari tents outfitted with heated-mattress-pad beds, 灯, 和firepits, as well as access to a free oatmeal and yogurt bar for breakfast. The semi-unplugged experience involves a communal bathroom with individually stalled showers, ADA浴室, 甚至是桑拿.

During the day, guests can play outside—like hiking to waterfall at nearby 俄罗斯峡谷州立公园——然后回来休息. If you’re not comfortable starting your own campfire, Halverson says you can text a “fire valet” and they will bring you firewood and start your fire. Dogs are welcome too—and for them, he says, things may get a little fancy. “We've got a little dog park, a dog washing station that has its own hot water heater,” he says. “狗狗们肯定是被宠坏了.”


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